Feel free to contact Ron about any of his Classroom, Workshop & Large Group Presentation Programs.
University of Extrication programs, wether hands-on, virtual, or as classroom-only sessions, are delivered all across the United States and Canada. The University of Extrication responder training programs are customized and delivered for a specific department or are designed for one ‘Host’ department with multiple, mutual aid neighboring departments invited in to attend and participate. A list of Rescue Programs available from the University of Extrication follows. Note that the most popular and truly state-of-the-art training program is the Electric Vehicle Emergency Procedures class.
Airbag Restraint System Emergency Procedures
The Airbag program presents an overview of airbag systems including what the components are, how the supplemental restraint systems work, and what systems are currently in place in current model year vehicles. The program also explains what emergency responders should do and should not do at vehicle fire and crash scenes because of the presence of airbag systems. The program also includes a review of the first-ever airbag deployment during an extrication; the 1997 Dayton airbag incident. This program can be followed with the New Vehicle Tour & Inspection program.
The Challenges of Extrication Involving Vehicles with Advanced Steel Structures(UHSS)
With increasing frequency, fire departments are reporting an inability to cut through common structural areas such as the B-pillars of late model vehicles. Our older-vintage rescue cutting tools, whether hydraulic, electric, or air-powered are stalling out. They may be essentially out-gunned by new ultra high-strength (UHSS) steel alloys called advanced steels. These steels such as Boron can be found in the roof pillars, roof rail, or rocker channels on most all domestic and foreign, moderate to high-dollar late-model vehicles.
In this presentation, Ron Moore brings the pages of his multi-part University of Extrication series on this topic to life as he explains the lessons learned from his multi year research project into how rescue teams can prepare themselves to meet the challenges presented by the presence of advanced steels. Most importantly, Ron’s program will detail some new alternative extrication techniques for departments that do not have advanced steel cutting capabilities to implement when faced with an advanced steel vehicle rescue incident. These steels are here today. Is your rescue team ready for the challenge of advanced steel?
Vehicle Rescue ‘Update’
This popular program goes beyond the technology of airbag systems and looks at other safety features of late-model vehicles. Topics discussed include 12-volt lead-acid batteries, battery locations, running boards and run-flat tires, pressurized strut hinge units, exotic metals and new vehicle construction body materials, rear-hinged door challenges, minivan sliding doors, plastic fuel tanks, and much more.
New Vehicle Tour and Inspection
As part of a static display set-up, several new model vehicles are arranged at the training site. (Most static display vehicles come from local new car dealerships). Required vehicle for maximum effectiveness are several new-model vehicles with seat and roof airbags, a minivan with roof airbags, an SUV loaded with features, a pickup with a third or fourth door, etc. These vehicles are positioned in a static display setting so they are available for tour and inspection by the participants.
During this survey period, participants look at features of new vehicles that influence the way we do our fire, rescue, and EMS work. Airbag systems, sliding side doors, plastic body panels, batteries in weird spots all are among the many things we discuss in this module. Instructor Moore remains available to interact with participants as they walk around and study the features of these vehicles.
Vehicle Rescue “Jet Lag”
The differences between the 15 year-old Junkers we train on in the salvage yard today and the late-model vehicle that wraps around a tree tonight is your rescue jet lag. Let Ron Moore help you better prepare for unique technical rescue challenges such as when airbag supplemental restraint systems are undeployed, Boron steel, rescue techniques for forcing open jammed rear-hinged doors, working with plastic-body materials, and power sliding side doors on minivansPresentation includes video of actually cutting into roof airbag stored gas inflator modules.
Electric Vehicle Emergency Procedures; EV Incident Challenges
Emergency Procedures for Electric Vehicles program discusses ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles that are out there as well as hybrid and especially the Electric Vehicle on the roads today. The program addresses the Challenges of EVs and what to do with them under emergency situations such as an EV crash, fire, submersion, lockouts, etc. The program includes a realistic look at a University of Extrication seven-step protocol for safely dealing with Electric Vehicles.
Real World Rescue
This presentation is an entertaining and somewhat humorous PowerPoint slide program featuring unusual vehicle crashes that I have been to; car broke in two, SUV up the guy wires of a power pole, car into a swimming pool, etc. We talk through how you would deal with a similar incident if it were to occur in your district. Some of these you’ll find hard to believe.
Vehicle Rescue Incident Command
Based upon the Command chapter of the Vehicle Rescue & Extrication textbook written by Ron Moore, this special training program focuses exclusively on the responsibilities of commanding a vehicle rescue incident whether it is in a rural setting or in a municipal environment. Using a step-by-step formula for success as a command officer, the program explains the logical flow of events that produce an efficient and safe rescue scene. Much of this program is scenario-based using ‘first-due’ images of actual incidents to reinforce teaching points.
“Safe Parking” Working In or Near Moving Traffic
The Safe Parking module looks at the alarming trend of traffic incident responders and/or their vehicles being struck while working in or near moving traffic. Ron’s Safe Parking program covers Federal laws that apply to emergency traffic control, equipment that is needed, and procedures for responding personnel to follow in order to avoid being the next ‘struck-by’ statistics. Being killed while working in or near moving traffic is truly predictable and preventable. Learn how now! Full-color videos of actual struck-by incidents from across the country are included.
Bus Rescue Overview
This program looks at the challenges of dealing with a bus emergency; fire or crash incident. School bus vehicles are featured although charter vehicles and city transit-style bus vehicles are included. Participants learn about the special procedures necessary for dealing with a handicapped bus, school bus, a city transit bus, or an over-the-road charter bus. The classroom, multi-media session includes video footage of actual bus crashes captured with interior and exterior cameras. The Bus Rescue program has a classroom session that is followed by a static bus display walk-around session which is followed by a hands-on skills session with at least one acquired bus vehicle.
Feel free to contact Ron about any of his Classroom, Workshop & Large Group Presentation Programs. Direct email is [email protected]